VIRTUAL: Ecological disruption and the origin of Homo sapiens

Event time: 
Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Dr. Richard Potts presents a talk on “Ecological disruption and the origin of Homo sapiens.” Dr. Potts is the founder and director of the Human Origins program at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. His research investigates Earth’s environmental dynamics and the processes that have led to human evolutionary adaptations. His ideas about the significant effect of environmental instability on human evolution have stimulated new studies in Earth sciences, paleontology, and biology.

He will join the Biological Anthropology Department colloquium, “Brown Beer.” Brown Beer talks center Biological Anthropology themes, engage researchers, scholars and students from around the world and encourage critical thinking and idea-building across institutions. Brown Beer talks occur virtually, via Zoom, every other Thursday from February 11 - April 29.

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